Ricardo Mbarkho
Visual artist and Lecturer

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Ricardo Mbarkho

Works and Exhibitions
Lectures and Workshops
Books about the artist

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Mobile: +961 3 717703
> facebook: www.facebook.com/ricardombarkhoart/
> Represented by Mark Hachem Gallery

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Books about Ricardo Mbarkho


CHRONIQUES Alexandrie - Aix Marseille

A new book that is just released, talking about the artistic and educational cooperation between Alexandria and Aix Marseille, where Ricardo Mbarkho is a figure of this fertile adventure...


liban, carrefour d'échanges cuturels, Co-edition SHAMS-TRANSVERSITE, 2015

The online Website "Granding the Lebanese Constitution" (www.ricardombarkho.com/dastooronline/) by Ricardo Mbarkho is mentioned in this new book.

Click here to download the attached file (File size: 1828.327 KB)


Positive Lebanon - Edition Tamyras, 2014

Link to the book's page: http://lamaisondedition.tamyras.com/NosParutions_431_Positive_Lebanon.aspx

"Positive Lebanon est un hommage à la société civile libanaise, un pied-de-nez aux clichés et un merveilleux révélateur d’un Liban positif, dynamique et créatif. Destinés à ceux qui connaissent le Liban de près ou de loin, les presque 400 pages de Positive Lebanon sont dédiées à des ONG, associations, artistes et auteurs qui voient le Liban en positif."

Click here to download the attached file (File size: 2330.417 KB)


"L'industrialisation des biens symboliques" - Les industries créatives en regard des industries culturelles, by Bernard Miège, Philippe Bouquillion et Moeglin Pierre. PUG (Presses Universitaires de Grenoble) - Collection : Communication, médias et sociétés - May 2013

Link: http://www.pug.fr/produit/1104/9782706118043/Lindustrialisation%20des%20biens%20symboliques

L'image de couverture :

Ricardo Mbarkho part d’un texte – ici, le Livre de la Genèse – qu’il soumet à l’ordinateur, son outil de prédilection et qui lui permet de créer des supports questionnant les liens entre art et industries culturelles. Il donne à la machine la consigne de lire ce texte comme si c’était une image. Ainsi devenu image à partir des codes binaires de l’informatique, le Livre de la Genèse dévoile alors ce qu’il a d’essentiel, en deçà des mots et de leur sens.

Les auteurs sont reconnaissants à Ricardo Mbarkho de leur avoir confié cette œuvre conçue à partir d’un livre, origine de tout livre, pour la couverture d’un ouvrage dont l’objet porte justement sur les mutations des industries culturelles, dans le contexte de l’industrialisation des biens symboliques.


Ricardo Mbarkho - Communication, Langage, Cultural industry

Editor: Hardmod Carlyle Nicolao
Publisher: Crypt Publishing
Number of pages: 76
Weight: 122g
Size: H229mm x W152mm x T5mm
Year: 2012


Ontology of the media - Mario Costa – Edition postmedia books. 2012


Stener Christophe. Dictionnaire politique d'Internet et du numérique. La Tribune. 2010


Mapping E-Culture, Virtueel Platform, Cathy Brickwood, Editor. 2009

About the digital artwork of Ricardo Mbarkho, and his role within the Lebanese current art scene.


Windows Upon Oceans – Cultural Observatory of the Middle East - Artos Foundation. Cyprus, 2009

From the catalog. page 58:

"Ricardo Echevarría, Curator of the solo exhibition [SINCE ART] by Ricardo Mbarkho
Lebanese artist Ricardo Mbarkho's work, talk about communication between human being. To be more precise, it talks about the difficulties of carrying it out. That is why many of its texts are transformed into images (Visualizing Communication, 2008, Digital Visuals from Lebanon, 2008) or video sequences in which words are missing (More than normal, 2002) or the opposite, discussion forums online where noise can get to mute the significance of the topic to be discussed (Lebanese Group, 1999-2001).
The interest of his work lies in the conceptualization and the de-dramatization of the face of (in)communication, which has a more significant value due to Ricardo being an artist whose life and artistic activity is located in an area of ongoing geopolitical conflict, Beirut. This separation provides to Ricardo's work, a reflective component, while disturbing and allowing us to totally "tune" with a situation that should not be neglected even if repeated. The situation of societies in countries in conflict in the Middle East. The use of new media environments done by the artist reveal efficiency in the way of spreading the artistic message among the local frontiers. This is the first individual exhibition in Spain by Ricardo Mbarkho
The exhibited works of Ricardo Mbarkho go from 1999 till today. They ass question the human relations and communication, within the private and public sphere. The use of new media as a tool is very frequent. [...]".


A Complete Insiders Guide to Lebanon – Edition Souk el Tayeb Press. December 2008


Art et Internet – Fred Forest – Edition Le Cercle d’Art. 2008

Link: http://www.cercledart.com/catalogue_ouvrages/9782_702208649_art_et_internet

About Ricardo Mbarkho's work in general, and about CONNECTED as example.


Repenser l’art et son enseignement –  Fred Forest –  Edition l'Harmattan. 2002

About Ricardo Mbarkho's Diploma at the National Superior Fine Arts School of Paris.


L'Amitié franco-libanaise –  Pierre Atallah –  GIPFL –  Beyrouth sur Seine. 2001


Fonctionnement et dysfonctionnements de l'art contemporain –  Fred Forest – Edition l'Harmattan. 2000